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SOZ Concerts
Bokkers Nl (publishing only)
Countryside slang has been hit hard the other day. After the farewell of the Closet and Skik, a few weeks ago Jovink and the Voederbietels decided to quit. But no worries, because guitarist Hendrik Jan Bökkers will soon serve a special program to the roots of countryside slang rock!
Hendrik Jan and his younger brother Bastiaan have been raised and educated in one of the most eminent areas of countryside slang rock. After leaving primary school, they visited many of the legendary shows of godfathers Normaal, known as the battlefield tours. These shows are still registered as the best events for brewing companies, as average consumption per visitor is almost poisoning. The Bökkers-brothers like the early Normaal albums best, titled ‘Oerend Hard’, ‘Ojadasawa’, ‘D’en achterhoek tsjoek’ and ‘Springleavend’. Normaal really found an excellent way to express the experience world of farmers and the countryside in general. Besides that, they really put the pedal to the metal and provided an overwhelming rock&roll show, introducing the famous terms ‘Hoken’ . This became similar with the Normaal way of life.
25 years later, these days are back! The Bökkers-brothers are ready to put the clock on rock again! Together with Erik Neimeijer (gitaar) and Pieter Holkenborg (drums, very simular like original drummer Jan Manschot), they will play the legenadary songs like ‘Ik mos pissen’, ‘Alie’, ‘ oh Deerne’, ‘Vrouw Haverkamp’, ‘D’en poot op t gas’, ‘Daldeejen’, ’Ojadasawa’, ‘ik bun moareen eenvoudige boerenlul’, ‘Marie’, ‘Hendrik Haverkamp’ , ‘Dun op de Mest’ en many classics!
These songs are very familiar to older Normaal-fans, but they are also embraced by younger rockfans in the countryside. The rhythm section is steady and equal imperturbable like characteristic icons Jan Manschot and Wimke van Dienen. Hendrik Jan and Erik provide lots of energy and dynamic on the front, driving and pushing each other to the climax. The crowds are delirious, the beer pump is constantly running ; these guys are really entitled to perform als the one and only “Dè Normaal Coverband”.
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